Archive for July, 2011

Thoughts for a Blue Day

July 15th, 2011

On your journey to healing you may have days when you feel sad, overwhelmed, blue.  The pain of living day to day has taken its toll, and you are tired.  You have gone beyond anger to acceptance, however it brings no joy or peace.  You feel uncertain, unsettled, unsure of what to do.  You are not alone.

When you feel this way, no good words can make you feel better.  Nothing you can eat or drink or do seems to help.  Fatigue pulls at your mind and body, but you cannot find restful sleep.  You see, I understand.  As your partner on this journey, I am going through this with you.  May I share my thoughts on this feeling with you?

  • It is just a feeling – it will pass.  If you can just endure it, let it pass through you, it is possible to wait it out.  I promise another feeling will follow it.  It may be better or worse, but at least it will be different.
  • Physically, you may be experiencing a vitamin or mineral deficiency.  Listen to your body.  See if there is one healthy food or drink you can offer your body for healing.  Drink plenty of fresh, pure water – dehydration alone will make you feel sad sometimes.
  • Take one baby step towards what you want.  For example, if one of the things that overwhelms you is the amount of work to be done, take one small thing and do it.  No matter whether you feel like it or not.  Just do it.  Remember to give thanks, and be proud of yourself for this accomplishment, however small.  It is a step forward towards your ultimate healing.
  • Exercise a little.  Even if you just do some stretches, or walk around your house or garden.  It releases chemicals in your brain that will help combat the helplessness and hopelessness you feel right now.

Thoughts for a Blue Day

My prayer for you this day is that you find rest, peace, and hope for the journey.