Archive for February, 2010

Enjoy Breakfast

February 26th, 2010

Take time this morning to enjoy breakfast. Do not turn on the news, but rather listen to soft music or just be in the silence of the morning. Listen to the songbirds and begin your day with nourishment for both your body and your mind. This is important.

Listen in Silence

February 25th, 2010

Right now, calm your thoughts. Your fears, your worries, your tiredness, your pain. Just for today, don’t try to fill the spaces with anything – just listen. Healing is yours as you listen to that still, small Voice telling you that all is well. Be quiet, be still. All is well.


February 24th, 2010

When you feel overwhelmed and tired, rest. Take a few moments to be still and quiet your mind. Don’t push yourself to the point of exhaustion. Breathe deeply, sit still for a few moments, do a gentle stretch, and give thanks. Give yourself a break occasionally.

Stay In the Moment

February 17th, 2010

Quiet your thoughts. Do not let them run back to things in the past, or run ahead to things that might happen in the future. Simply stay in the moment, the now, of today. Remember to focus on each moment as one of healing for your heart and mind, and give thanks.

You Are Not An Afterthought

February 15th, 2010

You are precious in the sight of God! He holds you in His hands and keeps you safe, even when you feel lonely and fearful, and are in pain. So today, on St. Valentine’s Day, give thanks that you are loved and cherished. Do something lovely for yourself!

Do Not Claim Ownership of the Discomfort

February 13th, 2010

Whatever is bothering you is not yours to keep. It is not here to stay. Therefore, do not say ‘my’ this or that, or refer to it in any way as having a connection to you. Yours is life and health and goodness. Claim that and speak of it always with thanksgiving to God.

Give Your Gifts

February 12th, 2010

What gifts can you give today? Even if you are in pain, no matter what you are going through today, there is something you can give to another. Give it in complete love, blessing the receiver as well as yourself. Enjoy the healing benefits of giving something in love, for no other reason.

Be Quick to Forgive

February 11th, 2010

You must remain in a place of peace in order to be healed. If there is someone or something bothering you, address it now. Immediately and completely forgive the person and yourself. Experience peace today as you practice the healing art of quick forgiveness.

Be Still

February 11th, 2010

Do not give anything that is causing discomfort any energy. Do not rage against it, do not talk about it, do not even think about it. Your mission today is simply to spend some time in silence, meditating upon the goodness of God and what it means to you to be completely well.